[Author’s note 10/22/23 – virtually all of this material is presented more fully, in a better format, and with an additional section in the next post – “Proudly Introducing…the About Page!” So you should probably just read that instead…]
“What can people do with the products or information you’re offering?”
I invite others to explore creative living and reflect on their lives and world from an alternate perspective that may offer greater personal fulfillment. I also present an opportunity to enjoy unique artistic expressions, as well as a glimpse inside the life of another human being (it’s clear that there is an innately human instinct to look inside of other people’s lives!)
What makes your products or business unique?
I believe that 99 out of 100 products add little of genuine value to the lives of humans, succeeding far better in eroding our habitat, our communities, and our spiritual fulfillment. The purpose of this page is to present the products of a uniquely-lived life and a uniquely-operating mind as an offering to my people, the human race. I offer it freely and without any expectation. Here is an invitation to explore alternative ways of seeing and being that I hope would bring, to some people, more joy and appreciation of life.
At this time I offer no “business” or services for payment. But I am a human being with needs and responsibilities, and I would love to discover means to support myself and my family through my efforts. This poses a special challenge since I believe the vast bulk of products and services are more curse than blessing. Consequently I am an antipreneur. This, combined with some pathological inhibitions against charging a market rate for anything I provide, profound feelings of despair induced by prolonged daily repetition of ANY activity, and an utter lack of any business sense make me uniquely ill-suited to creating and operating any kind of going concern.
But I invite YOU to help me create a livelihood from my own expression of life! If you are so inclined and have surplus funds to commit, please tell me what I can offer YOU that you would gladly pay for! 🙂
How can your products/services enhance your clients’ lives?
I hope to enhance the lives of others by helping them to experience and appreciate the world differently, to explore and celebrate their own unique and innate creativity, and, hopefully, to transcend some of the artificially-imposed strains in their own lives.
Why should people buy your products/services and not your (e.g. cheaper or better known) competitors’? Or why should people read your information and take your advice instead of information on another website?
I offer a unique perspective. On the one hand, much of my life, upbringing, and experiences are very common and relatable to most everyday humans. But I was both blessed and cursed with relatively milder forms of mental illness and neurodivergence that went undiagnosed for 43 years. During that time, I learned to mask my deviations well enough to integrate into society and even achieve some forms of conventional success while passing as a “normie.” In the process I have explored alternative ways to think and live. Many, probably most, will have little interest in exploring the perspectives and expressions that I offer. And that is okay! It simply means that I am not speaking to them.
But I am speaking to some. To those humans I offer validation and celebration of their experience and existence, as well as artistic expressions that may directly enhance their lives.
What’s the reason you’re offering these products/services or information, besides making money?
At the age of 43 I suffered a breakdown, the worst of several periodic breakdowns which have been escalating in scale. After a lifetime of conventional employment beginning as a child with summer work in a family business and including reluctantly-acquired proficiency in three distinct careers, I hit a LONG-foreseen breaking point. I realized I could no longer live my life inauthentically – it was killing me. What I hope to provide on this page is the expression, at long last, of a life lived authentically.