Category: #14 – Things to Fill Space

Only Human
I bought something. An electric guitar. It’s used and I haven’t seen it in person. But I have high confidence. And if I don’t like it I can return it on the spot. Mostly I play acoustic because I love the sound and simplicity. And mostly I’m playing by myself…

Too Many Irons in the Fire
I have started a bunch of posts that I haven’t completed to my satisfaction. I like puzzles of all kinds as long as they are creative, but that means it can be hard for me to stay on one topic if I get a fit of inspiration to work on…

Things to Fill Space
I am really giving it my damnedest to post something everyday. But sometimes (often) what I’m working on ends up more involved than I anticipated and I just can’t finish in time to post it. That’s what happened tonight. So I present you with – Scenes from A Day. The…

“How to Write a Mission Statement for your Site”
[Author’s note 10/22/23 – virtually all of this material is presented more fully, in a better format, and with an additional section in the next post – “Proudly Introducing…the About Page!” So you should probably just read that instead…] “What can people do with the products or information you’re offering?”…