Dig It, The Dirtsmith EP!
You can now listen to a (sorta) Dirtsmith EP, that I’m calling Dig It! It’s live and ready to stream on all your favorite platforms! (Or just head over to YouTube Music).
[I say “sorta” because it’s all still demo quality stuff for the album mockup I am working on. And also because I have no control over the song order that you hear. Push the Wheel / Shake For Me Girl represents the “single” that I recorded in a real studio in Spain].
If you care and have the ability to do so, here is the listening order that corresponds to my EP concept:
- Shake For Me Girl
- The Highwayman
- Push the Wheel
- Iphigenia
- Try to Love
Dig It! (The Dirtsmith EP!)
“Hey Dirtsmith, what’s up with that picture with your Jew ‘fro, your shirt unbuttoned to the waist, and half a nip showing?!”
That’s a great question and I’m so glad you asked! The short answer is, “I’m a jackass and it makes me laugh!“
The slightly longer answer is that Mate and I were cleaning out her storage unit when I came across an old black linen shirt. It reminded me of one I had 20 years ago that I thought made me look like a cool rockstar at the time.1 So of course I had to put it on. And of course it didn’t fit me. But I made her take a photo of me in it, then I took a pic of her wearing it and sent them both to my friends for a “Who Wore It Better?” vote.

Dig It!
Dig It! (The Dirtsmith EP!)
- Double Bonus for the imaginary reader who looks at the footnotes to this blog! You can catch a glimpse of the linen shirt in question AND hear a live recording of Shake For Me Girl here! This ACTUALLY aired on public access television in Manhattan 20 years ago! (The video quality was better on the real airing).
And check out that view count – just shy of 10k views of me playing an original song! The top comment (from 17 years ago – lol) reads –“great sound. you should be famous.”
Of course, that didn’t happen. [And I was still young, sorta handsome, and my voice was as good as it would ever be back then!]
But this is clearly my “Greatest Hit,” which is why I insisted on recording it when I had a chance! ↩︎