Our civilization generates massive doses of toxins. We are largely unaware of this, because we efficiently distribute this poison to places we don’t care about and the alien “people” who live there.
Month: November 2023
#02 - Things to Consider

Introduction to Tiny Plywood Boats
Introduction to Tiny Plywood Boats Some of you may have noticed that this Variety Act hasn’t been as Preachy lately. Long-form essays take a lot of effort to create. A peak time for that work was while Ironhorse was completely laid up and Mate was away in Europe. Those events…
#09 - Other Things that I Create

I’ve built a few little boats. The first one I built was a Puddle Duck Racer. It’s a great boat, but that is another story. This boat is basically a Puddle Duck, but 12” narrower (so 3 feet wide instead of 4 feet). Puddle Ducks sail much better than they…
#09 - Other Things that I Create

Guessing Game – Final Round!
Well, I’d say we’ve moved beyond guessing at this point! 😆 The Daily Stone
#09 - Other Things that I Create

The Guessing Game…
…Continues! Now full sized!